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2020 - The COVID Year! Is your glass half full or half empty?

Updated: Mar 30, 2022

This will be a different New Year marked by a long journey in 2020 where COVID dominated our lives. It hasn't been easy with lockdown after lockdown and the uncertainty of what's going to happen next.

Unfortunately, many of us have been touched by the events surrounded by COVID, many of us have lost someone close or afar and it hasn't been easy. Many of us had COVID and fully recovered, many of us had COVID in its severe form and are still dealing with the COVID aftermath. Many people are facing severe isolation and mental health issues have increased. Domestic violence has also increase as a result of people having to spend more time together in their houses. Homelessness has increased and foodbanks are being more used than ever. Economies are collapsing, job losses like we never seen before. The retail, holidays, airlines and entertainment industries are on the verge of collapsing to a level that may not be recoverable. Hospitals are overwhelmed around the world. Governments are like headless chicken trying to .come up with the best solution to ensure their citizens and economies will survive.

Scientists are working round the clock! Finally a glimpse of hope! The vaccination programme is underway in many countries already. Then more bad news! A new variance of the virus is discovered which can be more harmful than the original virus. That changes things again, borders are closing as they are concerned intercountry transmission.

The COVID-19 pandemic showed us that it is not simply a health issue, it has profoundly affected economies, societies and individuals in way not seen before. T

It does seem not to have an end and the list could go on and on with so many other unfortunate events. Many people even believe this is on a scale of an apocalyptic event. Are we going to get trough, are we ever going back to what 'normal' was for each of us?


Lots of positive things happened as a result of the COVID, which may not have happened before, and there have been silver linings. However in the middle of chaos, even on my weak moments and when I'm weakened on my faith of a better world I still prefer to see the glass as half full! The harsh reality of the COVID events are on our face every single day and it is ok if we are doing the best we can just to get through each day but some good and positive things are happen and I would like to acknowledge these as well.

  • Many neighbourhoods regained or discovered the power of community spirit and this can not be ignored

  • Family time and how people adjusted to ensure

  • People got creative and engaged with new projects whereas before the pandemic time and lifestyle may not have allowed space for these projects

  • Some people discovered new hobbies and talents

  • Many of us rediscovered simple things in life which we probably didn't pay too much attention, for example, the benefits of a lower pace, stillness and unlimited time with the family

  • It created space for new business - the internet is an explosion of new creative business

  • Great cooks started sharing their recipes so that we could cool them at home

  • Health care workers and essential workers are our heroes and without them things would have been much worse

  • We discovered that you don't need to go to the gym to keep an exercise routine. and active lifestyle

  • People started walking more

  • For the first time in many years the waters in Venice are blue

  • The COVID restrictions of movement around the globe provided small but positive gains in relation to the environment which include improvement on noise pollution, air quality and lower carbon emissions

  • Fashion took a turn and joggers, leggings, jumpers become acceptable standards

  • Internet usage has rocketed under lockdowns and technology improved drastically allowing us to keep connect with our loved ones whether they were living on the next block or abroad.

  • Musicians and other artists are providing free concerts and entertainment on the internet

  • Many people decided to learn something new by using online educational platforms

The list could go on here as well..... for every measure of negative things there will be many positives things to be discovered.

With 2021 just around the corner, let's not lose sight of the lessons we can and have been learning during this harsh reality we are all experiencing. Let's not lose sight that we can keep growing and there are opportunities out there for each of us to explore and let's keep looking out for one another and keep creating hope and joy!

“Those who cannot change their minds cannot change anything.” ― George Bernard Shaw

Wishing you a healthy and joyful new year!



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